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My abstract landscape and color field artworks are captured moments brought to life through a deep connection to the natural beauty surrounding us. The name Bramble Paper comes from my hikes into a favorite local nature preserve, filled with native meadows, old orchards, open ridge lines, wild bramble patches and the occasional red fox. This beautiful New England landscape balances the comforting familiarity with an ever-changing temperament based on time of day, season and weather.  The atmosphere and mood of this terrain sparked a creative response that’s become a uniquely personal and distinct visual language expressed through my linen, raw canvas and large format prints. Each of these images serve a narrative gleaned from this connection to surrounding. Pushing aside formal shape and form, color and light define where one outline ends and another begins. A pastel-accented, blossoming apple orchard, a bright and misty early spring morning, a warm sun-drenched afternoon on the river or a luminous summer sunset on the Sound ablaze in blues and magentas, all composed and created to evoke the warmth and brightness within us.